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End Of The Day

Description : None

DIMENSIONS : ( Width - 43.00 cm x Height - 66.00 cm )

Medium on Base : Watercolour on Paper

Genre : Seascape

Copyright : © Gerald Howell

Framed: $460.00
Delivery Charges
Within Australia: $20.00
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Gerald Howell

I started painting in oils in 1999, but turned to watercolour about eighteen months later – being attracted to the beautiful transparency and freshness of the medium.

It is a difficult medium, frustrating at times, but it can produce some wonderful effects as the colours mix on the paper, giving results not matched by any other medium.

I had my first exhibition in 2008.

Recent successes include:

Second place in the 2012/13 Artist of the Year competition with the Watercolour Society of Victoria

‘Highly Commended’ in the Sir Gustav Nossal Exhibition in Berwick in September 2013

Winner of the ‘Best Watercolour’ at the Sherbrooke Spring Exhibition in October 2013.

I am an active member of the Ringwood Art Society (RAS),  the Sherbrooke Art Society, and the Watercolour Society of Victoria.

I paint a variety of subjects including Landscapes, Portraits, Still Life and Figure Studies, and am particularly attracted to subjects with strong light and shade.

I am still working, and find it difficult to devote as much time as I would like to my painting.  I am looking forward to having more time in the future.

Tel: 9729 4619

Mobile: 0418 100 668